LeanMoola Rants: Don’t Cheat on Your Budget!

Last updated Jun 15, 2022 | Blog, Rants, Save Money | 0 comments

So you’ve made your budget and it looks good on paper. Great! Now you need to implement it.

The question is, are you ready to follow your budget? Is it realistic and simple enough to get started?

Most importantly, do you fully understand your budget and what it means?

Here are 3 helpful budgeting tips to help you stay on track with your budget.

1. Determine why you made a budget.

Putting together a budget plan just forsakes is pointless and is NOT gonna work! What are your goals? Do you need to save for an upcoming vacation? Pay down debt?

Whatever your reason for making a budget, it needs to be so powerful and so important to you, that it forces you to follow it daily.

If you’re married or have a significant other, make sure you both are on the same page as to why you both need to follow the budget plan.

It’s very difficult if only one of you is truly committed to following the budget, while the other person doesn’t take it seriously.

2. Set short-term goals.

It’s tough to stay committed to something that is hard to measure the progress, which is one of the reasons why so many small businesses fail.

When you set short-term goals, like to save $100 this week, be sure to celebrate (without spending money 🙂 ) your victory, recognize your efforts, and use that powerful motivation to uplift you and give you the fuel to keep going to the next milestone.

If your goal is to reduce your grocery spending by $100 per month, then your weekly (short-term) goal would be to cut grocery costs by $25.

Likewise, if your goal is to pay off debt, make a chart to show how much you’ve paid off.

Use a type of chart where you can color in your progress, visuals are ALWAYS motivating to see.

3. Identify your weak spots and develop a plan to battle them.

Sticking to a budget is tough, especially if you never followed one before.

One of the ways people often fail with their budgets is not identifying some of the ways they can be tempted to cheat on their budgets.

For example, if your goal is to pay down debt, why would you go to the mall with your friends?

Stop setting yourself up for failure, instead of eliminating things that will compromise your goals.

So, if you’re prone to impulse spending, then remove any temptation, put away the credit cards, stay away from Amazon and other online shopping sites, stay away from the mall!

Making a budget is the first step and easiest towards your financial freedom, sticking to your budget is the hardest.

To set yourself up to succeed, incorporate small changes into your routine like bringing lunch from home, and avoid temptation.

Remember, if you want to reach your financial management goals, is up to you to get there!

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