How to Develop The Right Mindset For Everlasting Success

Last updated May 5, 2023 | Blog, Make Money

We all define success differently, some define success as a financial target they hope to reach, while others define success as simply reaching a certain level of fulfillment or reaching the next level in their careers.

Regardless of how we define success, it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to reach that successful milestone in our lives, it takes discipline to develop a success-oriented mindset.

When I left the U.S. Navy in 2009 I thought I was on the right track to build success, at that time my definition of success was working in corporate America, dressing nicely, and making good money.

unfortunately for me, I had picked the worst time to get out of the military where I had a secured job and the best benefits ever – it was the financial crisis of 2009.

After a few months of searching for a job, I finally landed a job with the State as an Auditor, the starting salary, which was paid on a monthly basis, was about 65% of what I was making just a few months prior in the military.

Talk about a blow to my gut, my ego, and my self-esteem. How was I going to provide for my wife and 2 children?

Instead of being appreciative of having a job, or even blaming the government like most people often do, I blamed myself for not being prepared enough to land a better job, regardless of the overall economy.

Unemployment was steadily rising, which meant that I had even more people to compete with.

The economy had produced such an unbalanced workforce with employers driving down salaries, that it was impossible to find the right opportunity that paid a reasonable salary.

Many years later I learned that part of my slow progress was my attitude towards things, a lack of clear objectives, and no strategy whatsoever.

I created many obstacles in my life with my fears, transitioning from the military, and worst of all, not having that firm belief in my abilities to persevere through it all.

Based on my personal experience and many years of studying the mindset of successful people, I learned 7 key factors that will teach you how to improve your mindset, build a successful career, and create a successful life.

Let’s dig in…



Set clear objective

Regardless of how big or small your goals or even your daily tasks are, without a clear objective in place, you will end up wasting valuable time and resources.

Clearly defined objectives are specific, they are measurable, and they are realistic (reachable).

Your objective must also be time-bound, it will allow you to design and structure the tasks necessary to reach your objective.

A thoroughly equipped ship with a wonderful crew will arrive nowhere if it hasn’t any course of direction.

Spend some time reading mindset books, the successful mindset of elite athletes, and the business mindset of the titans in your industry.



Set an accurate strategy

Unplanned success is a planned defeat. If you want success in business and life, you have to develop and constantly refine your strategy.

To cultivate a growth mindset, you need to implement the right strategy that fits your goals.

An accurate and logical strategy helps you formulate the game plan to tackle that project you have been neglecting for a while AND SUCCEED!

If you stick to your plan, work hard at it, and keep pushing forward every single day, soon or later you’ll get there.



Maintain a positive attitude

Whether you believe in the power of positive thinking or the power of karma, putting positive energy out to the world and maintaining a positive outlook on things will determine how successful you become.

Have you ever noticed that successful people always surround themselves with other positive people that have an optimistic outlook on things?

That’s because being around negative people drains your energy, so why would anybody be willing to be around you?

Of course not…because you live in the world you create for yourself.

So if you want to live in a wonderful world – think about something wonderful! Stop being afraid of failures and just embrace the opportunity you’ve been given to continue learning…next time it’ll be better!



Have faith in your abilities

Faith is a fundamental block in your quest for success, it gives you the internal source of power you need to keep going when things get tough.

If you have a burning desire for something, leave all your doubts behind, trust the process, and your ability to persevere and beat all the odds.



Invest time and money learning new things

These days anyone can learn anything on the internet, there is absolutely no excuse for not taking action because of a lack of knowledge.

Don’t know how to create a budgetGo on YouTube or take a FREE Udemy course on budgeting. Don’t know where you can invest your money? 

Spend some time reading personal finance blogs like Seeking Alpha and learn how to invest in dividend-paying stocks.

The point is simple…if you don’t know something, go learn it. Don’t use it as an excuse for not taking action.

Only the actions you take supported by the knowledge you have acquired will result in success.

Develop the mindset to always be learning, always work on improving yourself, and only then, will you be able to keep pace with the changing times.



Invest in self-improvement

To survive AND thrive in today’s dynamic environment, you have to constantly be looking for ways to improve yourself not only professionally, but also from a personal standpoint.

Maybe you’re not sure how to deal with difficult people at work, then pick up a book and learn how to.

Perhaps you struggle to be productive at work because is becoming harder for you to stay engaged on the task.

If this is the case, figure out a different approach, think about the skills you can extract from your role.

Pick up additional tasks/projects that are going to expose you to a new set of skills.

As long as you keep finding ways to improve your existing skills including your soft skills, you will see a drastic improvement in your life.

Ultimately, all of this leads to your self-confidence.



Boost your self-confidence

Self-confidence is something that we all struggle with, whether starting a new job or in the pursuit of greatness, there’s always going to be something that will challenge you to your core.

The confidence you have in yourself, in your ability to persevere and push through is what will determine how effective you are with your actions.

As a leader, people look up to you for inspiration, for motivation, and for confidence.

If you come across as someone that questions their own ability to make decisions or to perform a task, your followers will see that, and they will turn to someone else.

Believe in your abilities, believe that you have what it takes to get the job done right!

What are some strategies that have helped you become successful? How do you define success in your life? Share your thoughts in the comments section.

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